Use Your Gift and Abilities to Further the Kingdom of God!
We are looking for Volunteers to help us in the office and at our events!
If you are interested in assisting this ministry in reaching the world for Jesus, please fill out the form on the left and send it to us.
Volunteering is a great way to serve the Lord. Sowing your time and talent is a fulfilling and selfless act of love.
Your gifts and talents are needed at Brett Watson Ministries. If your talents are not listed on the right, just fill out the form and tell us what your volunteer interests are.
We need anointed people who are ready to serve! Just send us an email and tell us more about yourself.
For you to be considered as a volunteer, *Please fill out the form on the left.
*Please Note: For the Safety of All - "Back Ground Checks" will be applied for anyone wanting to work with Children and Youth Ministries.